Insulin, Pre-diabetes, Diabetes mellitus and its symptoms
Table Of Contents 1. What is insulin? 2. Diabetes mellitus 3. Type l and t…
Table Of Contents 1. What is insulin? 2. Diabetes mellitus 3. Type l and type ll Diabetes 4. Pre-diabetes …
What is jaundice ? Jaundice is a symptom rather than a disease. It is basically yellowish colouration of skin a…
Table Of Contents 1. What do you mean by Anemia 2. Hemorrhagic anemia(excessive blood loss anemia) 3.…
Table Of Contents 1. What is Liver cirrhosis? 2. What are the causes that can lead to liver cirrhosis 3. …
What is Pollen allergy ? Pollen allergy which is also known as hay fever some people also called it as seasonal alle…
Drug Interactions : Drug interaction can be defined as alteration of of one drug by another drug when they …
Trichomonas: These are protozoa having 3 to 5 anterior flagella, exist only in the tropozoite phase. They do no…
Contents 1. What is hypercholesterolemia ? 2. Causes of hypercholesterolemia 3. How lifestyle affects…
Table Of Contents 1. Rythm method/safe period for sex 2. IUD /IUCD (Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices) 3…
Table Of Contents 1. What is insulin? 2. Diabetes mellitus 3. Type l and t…
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