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Anemia:All types of anemia :Iron deficiency anemia

What do you mean by Anemia:

           The quantitative or qualitative decreased in the RBC (red blood cells) and haemoglobin with respect to age and sex is known as Anemia.

  In other words:
                      Anemia refers to deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, that may be due to either too few RBCs or too little hemoglobin in the cells. 

Anemia is the disorder of blood ,can be characterized by the decreased in:

1. Red blood cell (RBC) count in the body 
2. Hemoglobin content 
3. Packed cell volume (PVC). 

 Reduction in the RBC count, hemoglobin 
content and PCV  occurs because of :

1. Decreased in the production of RBC
2. Increased destruction of RBC
3. Blood loss in excess amount from the body.

Above cited causes may be derived from the parents or may be acquired due to some environmental issues such as nutritional Factors, infection and exposure to certain drugs or toxins .

        Anemia is classified on basis of this two classification methods:

1.Morphological classification
2.Etaiological   classification

1.Morphological classification of anemia:

         Morphological classification is based upon the size and color of RBC. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is used to find the size of RBC. Color is found out by mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). 

In this method, anemia is classified into four types :

1. Normocytic Normochromic Anemia:

   In this type, Size (MCV) and color (MCHC)  are normal. But RBC numbers is decreased.

2. Macrocytic Normochromic Anemia :

Size of the RBCs are larger  and color is normal . RBC count is less. 

3. Macrocytic Hypochromic Anemia:

size of the RBCs are larger, MCHC is less, so the cells are pale (less colored).

4. Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia:

Here both size and colour is affected.Size of RBCs are smaller snd less coloured.


 Etiology (study of cause or origin), on this basis, anemia is divided into five types :

1. Hemorrhagic anemia
2. Hemolytic anemia
3. Nutrition deficiency anemia
4. Aplastic anemia
5. Anemia of chronic diseases

1.Hemorrhagic anemia(excessive blood loss anemia):

Replaces the fluid portion of the plasma in one to three days, however this response leads to decreased concentration of RBCs.
If a second hemorrhage doesn't occur, RBC concentration typically returns to initial leve in three to six weeks.
When chronic blood loss happens, an individual can not absorb enough iron from the intestines to create haemoglobin as quick as it  is lost.

RBCs that square measure abundant smaller than traditional and have insufficient haemoprotein within
RBCs which are smaller than the normal size and have small heamoglobin within it, giving rise to microcytic  hypochromic anemia.

2 . Hemolytic Anemia:

     Hemolysis is refers to the destruction of RBCs. Anemia whic is caused due to excessive hemolysis that is not compensated by increased RBC production is called hemolytic anemia.

 It is classified into two types: 

▪️Extrinsic hemolytic anemia. 
▪️Intrinsic hemolytic anemia. 

▪️Extrinsic hemolytic anemia:  

this  type of anemia caused due destruction of RBCs because external factors. 

Some reasons  of extrinsic hemolytic anemia:

  • Poisoning with chemical substances like lead, 
  • coal and tar etc.
  • Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis .
  •  Hypersplenism.
  •   Burn injury.
  •  Some drugs like anti-malarial, penicillin etc.
  •  Some infection such as malaria, hepatitis.

▪️ Intrinsic hemolytic anemia:

        In this type of anemia,RBCs are defective so they got destroyed.It is said to produce unhealthy RBCa which are short lived.

        This kind of anemia generally inherited from the parents like sicke cell anemia, thalassemia.

    In sickle cell anemia,beta globin chain is affected.This results in sickle shaped RBCs.

         In thalassemia,there are two types of thalassemia that is alpha and beta thalassemia.Here the production of globin chain is affected.

  3.Nutritive anemia:

Nutritive substance  forare necessary erythropoiesis,If such nutrients deficient then it leads to the nutrients deficiency anemia. The  necessary substances that are required in the
erythropoiesis are iron, proteins and vitamins like C, B12 and folic acid.

Iron deficiency anemia:

Iron is important component for the synthesis of haemoglobin.Inadequate availability of iron cause iron efficiency anemia. Here RBCs are microcytic and hypochromic. 

Causes of iron deficiency anemia:

  • Less iron intake .
  • Iron absorption is insufficient from intestine
  • High demand for iron in some conditions like 
  • growth and pregnancy.
  • Blood loss.

 Some features of iron efficiency anemia(Law iron symptoms):

  • Person may face difficulty in swallowing known as dysphagia.
  • Nails become brittle and spoon shaped that is called as Koilonychias. 
  • Hairs also become brittle, papillae in the tongue degenerates.

▪️ Pernicious anemia(Addison’s anemia):

    Vitamin B12 deficiency causes this type of anemia.Gastric mucosa destruction because of the autoimmune disorder that destroy the parietal cells.This further decrease the production of intrinsic factors that is needed for the absorption of Vitamin B12. This vit B12 is the maturation factors essential for RBCs.

Here size of RBCs are larger and immature having normal or little bit low hemoglobin content.That is why it is known as macrocytic normochromic or hypochromic.

When cause was not known it was difficult to treat patients.It was fetal .Hence it is called  pernicious anemia. 

It is more common in females than in males and Pernicious anemia is common in the old age . It is also related with some other autoimmune diseases such as of thyroid gland, Addison’s disease, etc. 

Symptoms of this kind of anemia are:

 skin colour become yellowish , tingling, burning are some abnormal sensation are felt.
Weakness and in severe case mascular coordination is affected.

4.Aplastic anemia:

Red bone marrow disorder causes this type of anemia. Red bone marrow is decreased and get replaced by fatty tissues. In the following conditions red bone marrow disorder may occur:

  • If the person is exposed to the gamma or x ray radiation.
  • HIV and hepatitis like viral infection.
  • Tuberculosis    etc.

 5.Anemia of chronic disorder:

         It is next  to iron deficiency anemia which is mostly seen. Lifespan of RBCs decreased which is the result of disturbance in iron 
metabolism or resistance to erythropoietin action.Normocytic and normochromic RBCs is found.

Some of the causes :

Chronic disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, infection like tuberculosis, chronic kidney failaure, neoplastic disorder etc.

 Symptoms of anemia:

Paleness in the skin and mucus membrane which is more prominent in lips,ear lobe,nail bed, pharyngeal mucus membrane, conjunctiva.Elasticity of the skin is lost and brittle nature of the nail can be observed.person become sensitive to the cold.
Breathlessness,force of respiration and rate get increased,basal metabolic rate also increases, nausea, vomiting, restlessness,headache, dizziness, drowsiness,renal function also get disturbed.In female menstrual cycle shows some disturbance.
For proper diagnosis and treatment you should visit a qualified health professionals and take medication accordingly.

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